Responsibilities of the Records Management Representative:
- Serve as the representative from their unit for the creation, approval, and implementation of the unit’s records management procedures.
- Attend Introduction to Records Management and Retention training taught by the Institutional Records Management Program (IRMP) Staff. Attend other records management training classes as suggested by the Institutional Records Management Program and the Office of Institutional Compliance.
- Create and maintain a Records Management Plan (Inventory) for their unit showing each record series and the Record Series Title, Retention Policy Number, and Retention Period as listed on the UNT System Core Consolidated Records Retention Schedules (RRS).
- Identify vital records held by their unit and report annually on the status of vital records to the Institutional Records Management Program.
- Review records for the assigned unit, disposing of those that have met their retention period on the RRS. Complete the Final Disposition Log (FDL) for records that are to be destroyed and send the FDL to the appropriate (see form instructions) administrator(s) for approval. Once the form has all necessary approvals, send to the Institutional Records Management ProgramOffice for approval.
- Communicate knowledge of applicable records management policies to other unit staff as needed and act as a resource for other staff, forwarding unanswered questions to the Institutional Records Management Program or directing staff to contact Institutional Records Management directly.
- Follow the Transfer to Archives procedure for inclusion of historical records (identified in the RRS) in the University Archives.
- Notify the Institutional Records Management Program when a new RMR is appointed for the unit.
RMRs should immediately notify the Records Management Program of the following:
- Any unit records that are not listed on the RRS.
- Records needing to be disposed of, which are not listed on the RRS. Any record that is not listed on the RRS may not be disposed until IRMP has made appropriate arrangements with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
- Records on the RRS which list their unit as the Final Repository that are no longer kept by the unit.
- Retention periods for records that do not match those on the RRS.
- Records vital to the unit that are not marked as such on the RRS. Vital records are those records that are essential to the conduct of business by the unit or the University, records that would absolutely have to be restored in case of a disaster.
- Other areas where changes might be helpful such as common names for records that should be searchable on the online RRS website.