The UNT System Consolidated CORE Records Retention Schedule (RRS) is designed to aggregate all records and information retention requirements that apply to records and information created, stored, maintained and disposed by the UNT System, UNT, UNT HSC, and UNT Dallas. The schedulecombines applicable federal and state laws, regulations, internal policy, best practices and current organizational processes that affect records management. While the retention schedule is constantly being modified to remain an active reflection of institutional recordkeeping practices,all UNT System retention schedulesare formally recertified by theDirector ofInstitutional Records Management every five calendar years.
Thescheduleismanaged in accordance with Texas Government Code Chapter 441 and isavailable in aweb-based system, RRS Online. RRS Online is provided for easier searching and viewing of record series.This web-based systemruns parallel toofficialversionof the UNTSystem Consolidated CORERecords Retention Schedulebut allows the information to be presented in a user-friendly format.
UNT System Consolidated CORE RRS applies to UNT System, UNT, UNT HSC, and UNT Dallas. Any questions about this process should be directed to