Final Disposition

Final Disposition is the terminal treatment of a record, either by destruction or permanent storage in the University Archives.  The disposition of records should be documented on the Final Disposition Log. 

A university record may not be destroyed if any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, open records request, administrative review, or other action involving the record is initiated before the expiration of the retention period for the records series in the approved Records Retention Schedules. 

Final Disposition (FDL) Log Approval Process

  • Complete the FDL
  • Get proper signatures.
  • Scan and submit FDL to or to Hurley Administration Building Suite 316, through intercampus mail.
  • The FDL is reviewed.
  • If there is more information needed, then the FDL will be disapproved and it will require revisions, review, and need to be resubmitted.
  • If there are not errors on the FDL it will be approved.
  • Notification of approval will be given.


Please note: if you have items on your FDL that need to be sent to archives you must get approval from this office first before contacting archives for submission.