Batch Data Entry Control Records
Forms and logs used to reconcile batches submitted for processing against batches received and processed.
Forms and logs used to reconcile batches submitted for processing against batches received and processed.
Records adequate to specify all technical characteristics necessary for reading or processing of electronic records and their timely, authorized disposition including documentation describing how a system operates and necessary for using the system such as user guides, system or sub-system definitions, system specifications, input and output specifications, and system flow charts; program descriptions and documentation such as program flowcharts, program maintenance logs, change notices, and other records that document modifications to computer programs; and data documentation necessary to access, retrieve, manipulate and interpret data in an automated system such as a data element dictionary, file layout, code book or table, and other records that explain the meaning, purpose, structure, logical relationships, and origin of the data elements.
Automated software applications and operating system files including job control language, program listing/source code, etc.
Records documenting operational and maintenance requirements of computer hardware such as operating manuals, hardware/operating system requirements, hardware configurations, and equipment control systems.
Automated indexes, lists, registers, and other finding aids used to provide access to records.
Machine-readable files used in the creation, utilization, and updating of master files.
Relatively long-lived computer files containing organized and consistent sets of complete and accurate electronic records. Examples include, but are not limited to, data tables of relational databases used by applications or computer programs
Files needed for electronic data audits such as files or reports showing transactions accepted, rejected, suspended, and/or processed; history files/tapes; records of on-line updates to application files or security logs.