Memberships/Affiliations - Professional Organizations
Consists of various information from professional organizations to which an employee or student may belong and records for work done for these organizations.
Consists of various information from professional organizations to which an employee or student may belong and records for work done for these organizations.
Includes related correspondence and financial documentation.
This series documents facilities, services and other accommodations provided by the institution for events on campus. Records may include: facilities reservation agreements; room reservation lists; customer and room occupancy lists; catering services orders; purchase and supply records; customer evaluations; summary reports; and related correspondence.
This series provides visual and/or aural documentation of institutional activities and events including students, faculty, and staff with significant relevance to either the institution's or individual unit's function and mission.
This record series may include compliance opinions provided by the Office of Institutional Compliance, including any request eliciting the opinions.
This records series represents compliance investigations. The series may include but is not limited to: documentation detailing the alleged compliance violation, investigative findings, reports, and any related documentation.